According to the FAO brochure “Role of Acacia species in the rural economy of Dry Africa and near East” the following Acacia species are traditionally used by the population in Ethiopia:
A. bussei
A. edgeworthii
A. etbaica
A. mellifera ssp. mellifera
A. nilotica ssp. indica
A. reficiens
A. senegal
A. tortilis ssp. spirocarpa
Then there is the newly described Acacia fumosa wirth rose flower balls.
Additionally there are many other species from Africa found in the country - especially in gardens and parks, like A. xanthophloea, A. galpinii...
From a trip of Dr. D. Roland and his wife I received a lot of photos from Ethiopia which I present in two pages:
Ethiopia Northern Part and Ethiopia Southern Part.
Vachellia tortilis; Between Gondar and Debark, 13.10.11 Copyright: D. and B. Roland