
Senegalia laeta - Nigeria

The copyright for all pictures on this page has Mr. H.-P. Vehrs, Halle, Germany

The first three pictures were takens 5km south of Subdul,  Yobo State, location: 12 13 11 E; 12 59 10 N

Result of human interferenceResult of human interferenceNotice the three hooks directed downwards on the left side of the beetleNotice the three hooks directed downwards on the left side of the beetle

This picture was taken south of the S. senegal-plantation of the Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria, Gum-Arabic Sub-Station Gashua, December 7th, 2011; It shows Acacia laeta as grown naturally. This picture was taken south of the S. senegal-plantation of the Rubber Research Institute of Nigeria, Gum-Arabic Sub-Station Gashua, December 7th, 2011; It shows Acacia laeta as grown naturally.

see also: S. laeta in South Africa