
Mr. K. Grips, Bonn, presented several pictures of Acacias after his trip to Oman in the Forum of the website

There are some species at home in Oman, others have been introduced.:
V. nilotica ssp. kraussiana
V. nilotica ssp. nilotica
One species looks like V. nilotica ssp. leiocarpa
A. tortilis
A. ehrenbergiana
S. senegal
A. gerrardii

Acacias in the Southern part of Oman. The area is known as “The region of desert-roses” This tree is probably Acacia nilotica ssp. kraussianaAcacias in the Southern part of Oman. The area is known as “The region of desert-roses” This tree is probably Acacia nilotica ssp. kraussianaVery small, hairy leaves of Acacia ehrenbergiana against a 5 Rial bank note Copyright for both pictures: K.Grips, BonnVery small, hairy leaves of Acacia ehrenbergiana against a 5 Rial bank note Copyright for both pictures: K.Grips, Bonn