Acacia luederitzii - ZA
A. luderitzii var. retinens, Pongola Game reserve, KZN, South Africa, 1.2. and 2.2.06 Elevation: 183m; GPS-readings: S: 27.34986, E: 31.84547
Bushy growth form and (older and fresh) inflated thorns differentiate A. luereitzii var. retinens from var. luederitzii and from A. burkei
2 pictures at GPS: S 25.87481, E 031.88918; elevation: 307m, north of Lebombo Mts., Mpumalanga, SA. A. luederitzii var. luederitzii is found only at small patches in Northern South Africa. J. Hurter favours a separation into two species. A. luderitzii var. retinens would become A. retinens